EMAS Validation.
At d&b we have sustainably anchored the subject of ecology within the company to demonstrate our responsibility towards our natural environment and to design our image on the market. To achieve this aim, d&b first joined the ECOfit project instigated by the State of Baden-Württemberg and the District Office of the Rems-Murr District. The main focus right from the start was on integrating our employees in the project and supplying them with information on environmental issues.
After the successful completion of the ECOfit project, work started on EMAS III validation which was the task of the follow-up project "EMAS in Convoy" 2012. The organisational structures of EMAS created all the basic requirements to implement the subject of the environment sustainably at d&b. EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is an EU system for voluntary environmental management and auditing. It was developed by the European Union in 1993 for companies which want to improve their environmental performance. It has its legal basis in Directive (EC) No. 1221/2009. This amendment came into force on 11 January 2010. The structure of an EMS and its processes have been based on ISO 14001 since 2001. This also applies to EMAS. For more details on the subject of EMAS, click here.
d&b received the EMAS Certificate of Registration at the beginning of May 2013. To view the document and the complete d&b Environmental Declaration, click below: