Participation Conditions for d&b Workshops / Seminars

  1. General Information
    • Our workshops and seminars are intended for participants from industry and commerce, as well as for other tradespersons. Our General Terms and Conditions (AGBs) also apply to participation in workshops and seminars.
  2. Contract and Service
    1. When you submit the registration form and subsequently receive an automatically generated confirmation of receipt and booking confirmation by e-mail, a contract for participation in a workshop or a seminar will come about between you and d&b.
    2. The services correspond to the information regarding the venue, time, duration and content shown in the booking confirmation.
    3. d&b reserves the right to make changes and additions to the workshop and seminar programmes if there is good reason for doing so.
    4. d&b will make a decision regarding the allocation of the participation places based on objective reasons. In particular, d&b reserves the right to turn down attendance if the participant has no previous knowledge which is required to take part in the particular workshop or seminar.
  3. Work Material
    1. A laptop with Windows 7 or higher or OS X 10.7 is required for the workshops. The software needed for the workshop must be installed on this laptop. A laptop with local administrator rights is therefore required.
    2. During the majority of workshops you will receive work material in the form of work sheets and exercise files. This material is subject to copyright and may not be copied, passed on or used in any other way without the permission of d&b.
    3. Safe working clothes and footwear are recommended for the practical part.
  4. Certificates, Attendance Certificates
    • At the end of every workshop you will receive a certificate which shows that you attended the particular workshop and/or seminar.
  5. Workshop Fees or Seminar Fees
    1. Participation in a d&b workshop is free of charge.
    2. Attendance fees may be incurred for participation in a d&b seminar. These fees for the particular seminar are shown on the d&b website. All attendance fees are net prices and do not include statutory VAT.
    3. All other costs (both for workshops and seminars) must be paid by the participant (e.g. costs for travelling to and from the workshop or seminar, parking charges and hotel costs).
  6. Payment Modalities and Invoice
    • After or with the booking confirmation, the participant will receive an invoice showing the seminar fees. The invoice must be paid immediately by transferring the amount to the bank account shown on the invoice.
  7. Cancellation and Cancellation Charges
    • Just in case…
      1. If you are unable to attend the seminar and/or workshop for which you registered, you must inform us in good time in writing, but at the latest 14 days before the start of the event so that no unnecessary costs are incurred and we can assign the place to another interested party.
        If you fail to turn up at a workshop/seminar without deregistering, d&b also reserves the right to exclude you from participating in other workshops/seminars.
      2. Regulations for deregistering from workshops:
        If you cancel up to 14 days before the start of the workshop, the full participation fee will be reimbursed. If you cancel at shorter notice or fail to attend the workshop without prior cancellation, a flat-rate fee of €200.00 must be paid.
      3. Regulations for deregistering from seminars:
        If you cancel up to 14 days before the start of the seminar, the full participation fee will be reimbursed. If you cancel at shorter notice or fail to attend the seminar without prior cancellation, the full seminar fee will be invoiced.
      4. In the event of cancellation by d&b, all the seminar fees will be refunded. Participants have no right to have the workshop/seminar carried out if this is impossible due to important reasons such as illness of the trainer, force majeure or other unforeseeable events. d&b also reserves the right to cancel the workshop/seminar if it cannot be held due to infection risks (especially regarding Covid 19) or related legal ordinances or regulations. In these cases d&b will try to offer an alternative date, if this is possible, and the participant agrees. In the above-mentioned cases involving the cancellation of workshops or seminars, d&b will not accept any liability for incurred costs, e.g. hotel room reservations which cannot be cancelled. Due to the constantly changing infection situation at present, d&b recommends that a hotel reservation be made at the shortest possible notice before the start of the event in order to avoid cancellation fees if the event has to be cancelled.
  8. Liability
    1. In principle, people attending workshops and seminars do so at their own risk. In particular, d&b will assume no liability in the following cases:
      • Non-culpable accidents and other injuries to the participants, and/or thefts of or damage to their belongings.
      • Damage caused by the installation or use of software that is required for the workshop/seminar.
    2. In the case of loss of life, physical injury or damage to health, d&b will be liable to the participant for intentional or negligible breaches of duty. d&b will only be liable for other damage in the case of intent and gross negligence.
  9. Participants' Liability for Equipment belonging to d&b
    • If participants are provided with equipment belonging to d&b audiotechnik, they will be liable for damage to this equipment even if this is caused by slight negligence.
  10. Hotel
    • A certain room contingent in the following hotels will be available for overnight stays by participants up to 4 weeks before the start of the workshop and/or seminar.
      If a reservation has not been made up to this point in time, the contingent will be forfeited and the participants must look for available rooms on their own. A contract will only come about between the hotel and the participant. d&b only acts as an intermediary in this case.
  11. House Rules
    • The participant is obliged to comply with d&b's safety instructions and codes of behaviour during the workshop/seminar. In particular, this involves requirements relating to compliance with social distancing and hygiene regulations in order to prevent Covid 19 infections.
  12. Covid 19
    • Anyone with Covid 19 symptoms is not permitted to take part in a workshop/seminar. The participant must provide d&b with confirmation immediately before the start of the event that he/she does not have any Covid 19 symptoms. If the participant starts to show these symptoms during the event, he/she is obliged to inform d&b immediately. d&b reserves the right to stop participants with Covid 19 symptoms from taking (any further) part in the workshop.
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