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Milan: Ready for tomorrow.

Milan is the network standard created by leading AV and IT manufacturers.

We’re proud to be able to offer you this network choice. We believe in its value. And we're certain you're going to like what Milan offers you.

Milan Manager.

The free software with a user-centric workflow, designed to simplify and streamline working with Milan networks.

Milan Manager provides fast and efficient access to all essential functions while delivering clear, real-time network status reporting.

get Milan Manager

Why choose the Milan audio network?

Reliability, ease of use, operational lifespan.

Milan is built on the Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) group of standards maintained by IEEE. The industry’s leading manufacturers oversee and evolve the Milan standard together through the AVNU Alliance.

This assures long-term viability and seamless interoperability. It also reduces the risk of single vendor lock-in – now and for years to come.

In real terms, Milan provides:

  • Guaranteed quality of service
  • Enhanced time synchronization over Ethernet networks
  • Freedom from configuring network switches

Milan enables networking with confidence.

discover how Milan works

Milan is a choice.

Milan is the industry’s most robust networking foundation for the long term.
The choice – Milan or Dante with a d&b system – is yours to make now.
Whatever your system ambitions, we can help you thrive today and be ready for tomorrow.

Milan system solutions.


Processing & Matrix
